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Ingredients :
Shallots, Vegetable Oil, Garlic, Stock, Ginger, Lemongrass, Salt & Pandan Leaves.
Prepare in 3 Easy Steps
1. Rinse 1 kg rice and add water to usual level. Add 'NASI AYAM' PASTE and mix well.
2. Bring to boil.
3. Stir rice halfway through cooking. Cook till done.
Serving :
Fried Chicken, Soup, Chilli, Cucumber & Tomato.
Nasi Ayam
Chicken Rice or Nasi Ayam (in Malay) is a meal made of rice cooked with specially prepared chicken stock and served with either fried, roasted or barbequed chicken. A local favourite which you can now prepare on your own with DESSA "NASI AYAM" PASTE for that authentic home taste.
Assam Pedas
Kari Ayam / Daging
Kari Ikan
Laksa Johor
Masak Merah
Mee Bandung
Mee HongKong
Mee Rebus
Mee Siam
Sambal Goreng
Soto Ayam
Copyright 2007 Siddaz Pots Enterprise (Singapore)