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Ingredients :
Vegetable Oil, Onions, Steamed Fish, Lemongrass, Curry Powder, Grinded Coconut, Garlic, Garlangal, Dried Shrimp & Salt.
Prepare in 3 Easy Steps
1. Mix 'LAKSA JOHOR' PASTE well with 1.5 litres water.
2. Add in 200-250 ml thick coconut milk.
3. Stir well and bring to rolling boil.
Serving :
Spaghetti Noodles, Bol: Polygonum Leaves, Small Lime, Chilli Shrimp Paste, Slices Onion & Cucumber, Chinese Celery & Spring Onion.
Laksa Johor
Laksa which was originated from the Peranakan culture is much loved by the locals. The Laksa Johor, which derived from Asam Laksa is uniquely served with Spaghetti noodles. You can now prepare your very own "LAKSA JOHOR" with DESSA PASTE for that authentic home taste.
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Mee HongKong
Mee Rebus
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Sambal Goreng
Soto Ayam
Copyright 2007 Siddaz Pots Enterprise (Singapore)