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  How many times have you come home exhausted only to be met at the door with, "I'm starving.  What's for dinner?"  How many times have you been rushed all day and just don't feel like cooking?  Maybe you don't like to cook, or you don't think you can cook very well.

DESSA "Original Home Tastes" Premix Paste helps you to prepare quick, easy and delicious meals. With very few simple steps, anyone can prepare a good meal for their family and guests.
  Now you can have an extraordinary selection of great tasting, highest quality local favourites to be prepared and cooked in your very own home.

DESSA's 17 selectively chosen local favourites can now be prepared and served in minutes, without all the fuss, mess and time needed. Make DESSA "Original Home Tastes" Premix Paste as your preferred choice for the quality, value and convenience DESSA products provide.

Assam Pedas
Kari Ayam / Daging
Kari Ikan
Laksa Johor
Masak Merah
Mee Bandung
Mee HongKong
Mee Rebus
Mee Siam
Nasi Ayam
Sambal Goreng
Soto Ayam
Copyright 2007 Siddaz Pots Enterprise (Singapore)